[Español] Seminario de Paul&Mark

Afiche del Seminario Nacional sobre Metodologías para la Enseñanza Creativa, dirigido por la Empresa “Paul&Mark” invitada por el Ministerio de Educación de Ecuador y KOICA

 El Ecuador tiene una realidad diferente a la realidad de la República de Corea, pues en Ecuador para ser un profesor en el sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe únicamente es necesario tener un título de bachillerato y hablar una de las 14 lenguas ancestrales, estos pueden continuar su capacitación profesional durante el desempeño de su trabajo como maestro.

 Por lo tanto, más del 85% de los profesores del sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe no han tenido una capacitación profesional activa. Siendo una ardua tarea el alcanzar la excelencia en la calidad de la educación.

 Por ello, se coordinó una capacitación profesional para brindar ciertas herramientas que son necesarias para mejorar la calidad del sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe.

 Así, en el invierno de 2011, en Quito, desde el 10 al 14 de septiembre, se dictó el seminario de capacitación para los maestros de los CECIBs (Centros Educativos Comunitarios Interculturales Bilingües) de Quito, funcionarios de la DINEIB (Dirección Nacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe) y las DIPEIBs (Direcciones Provinciales de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe).

 La empresa “Paul&Mark” que es una de mejores empresas en el campo de consultoría de la educación en Corea, quiso transmitir su conocimiento para los actores de la educación indígena del Ecuador. Por ello, este seminario pudo realizarse gracias a la colaboración de la empresa “Paul&Mark” quienes lo hicieron en calidad de ayuda social sin recibir ningún valor a cambio.

Los contenidos del seminario fueron:

Taller 1: (10~11 de septiembre) – Enseñanza Acelerada para los profesores del sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe. (Total 80 participantes)
Taller 2: (12 de septiembre) – Creatividad para las autoridades y los funcionarios del Ministerio de Educación y Organizaciones Gubernamentales del Ecuador. (Total 200 participantes)
Taller 3: (13 de septiembre) – Comunicación para los funcionarios de la DINIEB y los aliados del proyecto “Escuelas de las Montañas” (Total 30 participantes)
Taller 4: (14 de septiembre) – Plan de Vida para los miembros del Barrio Santa María en donde está el CECIB “Juan Carlos Peralta”. (Total 30 participantes)
Taller 5: (15 de septiembre) – Enseñanza Acelerada para los funcionarios del DIPEIB-NAPO y los profesores. (Total 30 participantes)

<Los profesores del Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe disfrutando en el seminario>
<Una foto conmemorativa después del seminario, “¡Que bestia!”>
 En el primer y quinto taller, se realizó una capacitación sobre “Enseñanza Acelerada” para los funcionarios y los profesores del Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en Quito y la Región Amazónica. Los profesores no habían tenido hasta el momento una capacitación como la de “Paul&Mark”, por ello pusieron todo su interés y admiración. Algunos maestros comentaron: "La metodología de enseñanza de Corea tiene relación con nuestra cultura. Yo he trabajado en el Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe por 25 años desde la creación de la DINIEB, pero nunca recibí tal capacitación, por mi experiencia, esta metodología de enseñanza es muy adecuada para nosotros."

 En el segundo y tercer taller, se realizó la capacitación con respecto a “La Creatividad y Comunicación”, asistiendo a este curso los funcionarios de las organizaciones que están cooperando en el proyecto “Escuelas de las Montañas” como: MSP, MIES, SECAP y Embajada de EE.UU, etc.

 El cuarto taller fue muy especial para todos, pues se realizó la capacitación sobre “El Plan de Vida”, lo que representó un mensaje de esperanza para los miembros del barrio con quienes se ha trabajado por más de un año y medio en el proyecto “Escuelas de las Montañas”. Se pudo ver la felicidad y el deseo de seguir adelante luchando por sus sueños, eso es lo que inspiró Paul&Mark a todos quienes asistimos en el evento.

 Ante todo, les agradecemos mucho desde nuestro corazón a las personas maravillosas de “Paul&Mark” quienes vinieron a Ecuador desde Corea, del lado opuesto del globo para compartir su conocimiento y corazón con muchas personas del Ecuador, Paul Choi, Su esposa, ShinYoung Park, PyeongAhn Kang, JiMyeong Yi y MinKyu Lee, voluntario de KOICA que tradujo todo el evento, poniendo su mejor esfuerzo y concentración durante el desarrollo del seminario.

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[English] Paul&Mark Seminar

The poster for the National Seminar for Creative Teaching Methodologies, by the company “Paul&Mark,” invited by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador and KOICA

 Ecuador has a different reality to the reality of the Republic of Korea because teachers in the Intercultural Bilingual Education (EIB) system are only required to have a bachelor´s degree and speak one of the 14 ancestral languages, which they are able to continue their professional training while working as a teacher.

 Therefore, more than 85% of the teachers in the EIB system have never had any formal training, making it difficult to achieve quality education here in Ecuador. In order to improve the quality of the EIB system, professional training has been coordinated to provide certain necessary tools for teachers.

 Furthermore, in 2011, a training seminar was held in Quito for the teachers of CECIBs (Intercultural Bilingual Community Learning Centers) of Quito, officials of DINEIB (National Office of Intercultural Bilingual Education), and DIPEIBs (Provincial Office of Intercultural Bilingual Education).

 “Paul&Mark” is one of the best education consulting companies in Korea which we are hoping can transfer their knowledge to the figures of indigenous education of Ecuador. Therefore, this seminar was made possible by the generous collaboration of “Paul&Mark,” which helped make the quality of welfare better without receiving anything in return.

The contents of the seminar were:

Workshop 1: (September 10-11) – Accelerated Teaching Course for the teachers of the EIB system (Total: 80 participants)
Workshop 2: (September 12) – Creativity Course for the authorities and the officials of the Ministry of Education and Government Organizations of Ecuador (Total: 200 participants)
Workshop 3: (September 13) – Communication Course for the officials of DINEIB and the partners of the “Escuelas de las Montañas” project (Total: 30 participants)
Workshop 4: (September 14) – Life Planning Course for the members of the Santa María neighborhood where the CECIB “Juan Carlos Peralta” is located. (Total: 30 participants)
Workshop 5: (September 15) – Accelerated Teaching Course for the officials of DINEIB-NAPO and the teachers. (Total: 30 participants)

<The teachers of the EIB system enjoying the seminar.>
<“My goodness!” was the memorable phrase of the seminar.>
 In the 1st and 5th workshop, training for “Accelerated Teaching” was conducted for the officials and teachers of the EIB system in Quito and the Amazonian Region. The professors had never received training like the one they experienced with “Paul&Mark,” and they were filled with interest and admiration. Some teachers commented, “It´s interesting to see the relation between the methodologies of Korea’s teaching and our culture. I have worked in the EIB system for 25 years, but this training is one of the best I’ve experienced so far.”

 In the 2nd and 3rd workshop, training was conducted regarding “Creativity and Communication” to the officials of the organization that were cooperating in the “Escuelas de las Montañas” project like: MSP, MIES, SECAP, the United States Embassy, and etc.

 The 4th workshop was very special to us, as the “Life Plannning” course was conducted, because a message of hope was communicated to the members of the neighborhood who worked for more than a year and a half with our project. Enthusiasm was evident and it was clear they were going to continue to fight for their dreams, and this is what inspired Paul&Mark to help in the event.

 Above all, we want to send sincere thanks to all the wonderful people that put so much energy and concentration during the seminar; like “Paul&Mark,” who came all the way to Ecuador from the other side of the globe to share their knowledge and passion with many people of Ecuador, and their members--Paul Choi and his wife, ShinYoung Park, PyeongAhn Kang, JiMyeong Yi, and our interpreter Minkyu Lee, who is a KOICA volunteer.

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[한국어] Paul&Mark 세미나

<교육부와 코이카가 폴앤마크를 초빙하여 진행한 전국 세미나: 창의적 교수법포스터>
 에콰도르 이중언어교육시스템은 한국과 다르게 선생님이 되기 위한 자격 요건을 찾아볼 수 없습니다. 고등학교를 졸업하고 원주민어를 하면 선생님 자격이 되다보니 보니 원주민 부족 (인디헤나) 선생님들 가운데 약 85% 이상이 전문적인 교사 교육을 받아본 경험이 없다고 합니다. 자연스럽게 높은 수준의 교육을 기대하기 힘들어지고 그 모든 피해는 아이들에게 갑니다. 우리는 이중언어교육시스템의 질적 향상을 위해 교사 교육을 준비해 보았습니다.

 2011년 가을, 키토에서는 10월 10일부터 14일까지 5일간 에콰도르 교육부 이중언어교육부 본부 및 주청 직원들과 키토 내에 위치한 현직 선생님들을 대상으로 한 세미나가 있었습니다. 이 세미나는 요즘 한국의 최고 교육 컨설팅 업체 중 하나인 Paul&Mark(폴앤마크)가 에콰도르 원주민들을 위한 지식기부를 하겠다고 하여 기적적으로 이루어질 수 있었습니다.

세미나 내용을 살펴보면,

1 강 (10월 10일~11일) – 가속교육법, 교육부 선생님들 80명 대상
2 강 (10월 12일) – 창의성, 교육부 및 정부 고위 관계자 약 200명 대상
3 강 (10월 13일) – 커뮤니케이션, 이중언어교육부 및 협력단체 소속 30명 대상
4 강 (10월 14일) - 인생 설계, 후안까를로스페랄타 학교가 소재한 마을주민 30명
5 강 (10월 15일) – 가속교육법, 아마존 원주민교육청 직원 및 교사 30명

<신나는 세미나를 즐기는 이중언어교육부 소속 선생님들>
<강의가 끝난 후 기념사진, 모두 함께 대박!”>
 첫 강의와 다섯째 강의는 수도 끼토와 아마존 지역의 이중언어교육부 직원과 선생님을 대상으로 가속 교육법 강의를 했는데 평소 이런 교육을 접하지 못했던 선생님들은 큰 관심을 보이며 "한국의 이러한 교수법은 우리 문화와 연관성이 매우 깊은 것 같아요. 이중언어교육부 창설 이래 25년간 계속 일해왔지만 우리에게 가장 적합한 교육방식이라는 생각이 듭니다"며 칭찬을 아끼지 않으셨습니다.

 둘째와 셋째 강의는 창의성와 커뮤니케이션이라는 주제로 협력하는 많은 단체들, 에콰도르 복지부에서부터 미국 대사관까지 초대를 하여 한국의 이런 좋은 강의를 널리 홍보하였고, 넷째 강의는 저희에게 매우 특별한 강의였는데, 산중학교 프로젝트를 하며 만난 가난에 찌든 여러 동네 주민들을 위해 ‘인생 설계’라는, 새로운 희망의 메세지를 전하는 교육을 마음담아 진행하였습니다.

 무엇보다 한국에서부터 머나먼 지구 반대편 에콰도르까지 자신들의 지식을 나누고 많은 에콰도르 사람들과 함께 하기 위해 와준 Paul&Mark의 멋진 사람들, 최재웅 사장님과 사모님, 박신영, 강평안, 이지명 분들과 강의가 원활히 진행될 수 있도록 단어 하나하나까지 집중하여 통역을 하기 위해 애쓴 KOICA 이민규 단원에게 깊은 감사의 마음을 드립니다.

※ 이 포스팅에 대한 댓글을 남겨주세요.